Yang Style Taijiquan (T'ai Chi Ch'uan)





Commencement Movement

One of the most important factors to consider when performing Taijiquan, is body posture. Here, we present a computer animation of a human skeleton performing the opening movements of a typical Yang style Taijiquan form. This skeleton shows the structural posture needed to perform these movements correctly. In accordance with Taijiquan principles, the muscles relax and follow the skeletal structure of each posture.

Notice how the elbows always point towards the ground and the legs form a stable base for the rest of the body. The back remains straight, the arms follow the waist movement, and the waist movement (up and down) is generated by the legs.

Physical requirements for Taijiquan:

  • Stance is as wide as the shoulders
  • Knees over the toes (never over-extended beyond the toes)
  • Elbows never extend beyond the knees
  • Back is kept straight (perpendicular to the ground)
  • Movement starts in the feet, is directed by the waist, and expressed by the hands
  • Entire body moves as a coordinated unit (in harmony)
  • Head is held as if suspended from above (at the Bai Hui acupuncture point)
  • All joints are "open" and rounded so as not to restrict the flow of Qi

In accordance with Taijiquan principles, the muscles relax and follow the skeletal structure of each posture.





Parting the Wild Horse's Mane

Back remains straight and weight shifts from right to left after the step is completed. Footwork is light and slow. At completion of movement, weight is 70% on the left foot and the left knee is in line with the front toe.

Physical requirements for Taijiquan:

  •  Stance is as wide as the shoulders
  • Knees over the toes (never over-extended beyond the toes)
  • Elbows never extend beyond the knees Back is kept straight (perpendicular to the ground)
  • Movement starts in the feet, is directed by the waist, and expressed by the hands
  • Entire body moves as a coordinated unit (in harmony)
  • Head is held as if suspended from above (at the Bai Hui acupuncture point)
  • All joints are "open" and rounded so as not to restrict the flow of Qi