Qi (Ch'i): Glass Block Paperweight
Chinese calligraphy for "Qi (Ch'i)" in a heavy glass paperweight.
Inspirational Chinese calligraphy printed and sandwiched between two pieces of thick glass for an attractive desk ornament or paperweight. Lays flat or stands vertically. Double-sided calligraphy. Dimensions: 2.5” x 4” x 1” thick and weighs 13.5 ounces.
Calligraphy Meaning
Qi (Pinyin: Qi; Wades Giles: Ch'i). Literally translated to air, breath or gas. But in the context of Chinese philosophy or medicine, Qi is most often translated as "intrinsic energy" or "life force". Most importantly, it means many things depending on the context of it's useage. See http://qi-encyclopedia.com for in-depth research and discussion.