Taiji Sword, Classical Yang Style
Beyond the barehand form, beyond Pushing Hands awaits the elegant and highly effective Sword of Taijiquan.Taiji Sword has long been considered the highest achievement in Taijiquan training. Mainly used as a defensive weapon, Taiji Sword requires a strategy of 'calmness in action'. To achieve this calmness, the student must develop patience, peace of mind, and bravery. This comprehensive DVD contains: The complete 54-Posture Taiji Sword Form The Taiji Sword Qigong Set Taiji Qigong Breathing Fundamental Sword Techniques 10 Matching Drills for training with a partner 42 seldom taught sword-fighting applicationsThe ultimate or final goal of Taiji Sword training is to gain a deep understanding of yourself in order to lead a more enlightened life. – Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming