A list of items we currently have on sale as advertised in our journal. Limited quantity on some items. We also have a closeout section with older video and audio tapes.

By Michael Winn. 3 separate Qigong forms: 8 Extra Vessels (Fusion 3), Pangu Mystical Qigong (F-2), Nurture Your 5 Spirits Qigong (F-1). Nurture Your 5 Spirits Qigong aka Qigong for Nurturing Virtue in the Creation Cycle. It activates the higher spirit of the 5 Shen, helps you download the spirit body into the qi body and spiral it in the vital organs. The Eight Extraordinary Vessels Qigong is custom designed to work with the Fusion II and III formulas: thrusting channels, belt channel, orbit, bridge & regular, arm channels, and back again. The Pan Gu Mystical Qigong is the 3rd form on this video. 60 min.