Qigong Essentials: Yi Jin Ching

Qigong Essentials: Yi Jin Ching

SKU: DV522

Yi Jin Ching (Tendon Transforming Classic) is a 1500-year-old Qigong practice that originated in the Shaolin Temple.  It was regarded as a secret of great value in ancient times.  The whole set of postures provides fitness and wellness conditioning for the body.  It is intended to build flexibility and strength in tendons and muscles through progressive stretching and releasing cycles, while stimulating inner energy flow for healing and disease prevention.  Its long existence and adoption by a diverse collection of masters has lead to many variations - Master Jesse Tsao presents the most complete set, practiced in the Beijing area, and explains each posture's healing benefits based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).  He also includes an adopted version of Yi Jin Ching on the chair.  Detailed instructions are given in English with front and back views. DVD-R, (81 minutes)