Ant Power

Ant Power

SKU: H014

This is a formulation for building the deep power of the body. Mountain Ant is a potent energy tonic that has immediate and long term benefits. Combined with strong Jing and Qi tonics, Ant has the effect of strengthening sexual function, promoting mental power and creativity, and tonifying the organs and senses. This is a superb tonic for athletes. Ant Power is a Jing tonic designed to nourish the Kidney Yang and to build Qi. The main ingredient in Ant Power is the Polyrhachis Ant, also known as Mountain Ant. Ant is one of the greatest nutritional substances on earth and is a supertonic herb in the tonic herbal system. It is high in zinc and enzymes.

The formula is made by combining Mountain Ant powder with powerful Yang tonic herbs designed to generate lasting inner power. Ant Power can be used as a basic Yang tonic by anyone, young or old, male or female. It is also a superb rejuvenation formula. It is a primal Jing tonic that may be consumed for a lifetime, and is the preferred Yang Jing tonic of many long time tonic herbalists. Ant Power is a formula that will help develop and maintain sexual health in both men and women.

100 capsules. Dosage: 3 capsules 2 times per day.