An uncle who had disappeared returned on the day on which Fu Wei Zhong was born in 1949. This uncle, now a monk, blessed Fu Wei Zhong and took him under his care. By the age of six his grandfather and several other masters began training him in Chinese medicine, internal alchemy and the martial arts. By the age of ten, Fu Wei Zhong became a traditional Chinese doctor. By the age of twelve he opened his own practice.
During the Cultural Revolution Master Fu was sent to Manchuria where he worked as a doctor. Traveling the country, he treated patients on his government-issued mule. His patients were not only the people of those areas but also horses, hens, pigs, and cows. Upon his return to Beijing, his one and only recurring dream since childhood of a monk, saw its fulfillment at Guan Ji Temple. There, for the first time, he met His Holiness Ju Zan, the abbot of Guan Ji Temple.

His holiness said, "Ah, you have arrived. It is now time to start your training." Out of a class of approximately ten students for a period of two years, all except Master Fu were sent away. In 1984, after eight years of training, His Holiness Ju Zan empowered Master Fu with the mind/heart transmission; thus making him the thirteenth Lineage Holder for the Er Mei Sudden Enlightenment School which has been handed down from master to student since 1227 AD. Master Fu Wei Zhong was also given the sacred bowl, the sacred staff, and the sacred book of the style.
During the spring of 1985, Master Fu taught his first Er Mei Diagnosis Treatment class with hundreds of masters/doctors in attendance. He continued teaching publicly until 1989, when he then went into retreat for three years. He has successfully treated many Chinese government officials as well as its masses.
The Er Mei Sudden Enlightenment School is one of the most comprehensive mind-body-spirit systems ever created. With a foundation of Wudang Taoism, Er Mei Qigong rests in the heart of the mahayana/ vadrayana tradition of Buddhism. It was formulated during the Southern Song Dynasty a thousand years ago, in the Lin Ji sect of Er Mei.
The system provides health care for the injured and sick by transmitting Qi (energy) directly to them or by teaching them specific Qigong techniques to treat their ailments.

Health, Healing and Enlightenment are the key elements of this school. There are over one hundred such clinics throughout China and the Far East that use Er Mei techniques and over two thousand master/doctors that are applying them on a daily basis. Er Mei Mountain, located in Sichuan Province on the Tibetan plateau in China has a long history of sages. White Cloud, a Wudang Taoist priest settled on top of Er Mei Mountain during the end of the Song Dynasty (960-1279AD). After his conversion to Buddhism, he became the abbot of the Golden Summit Temple.
Thirteen lineage holders during the last one thousand years have devoted their lives to this school of thought. It has established a medical institute, a Qigong academy, a college of advanced Er Mei training, some in-patient and out-patient clinics, and a medicinal factory. There are now over two million practitioners world wide.
The method by which the lineage holder was selected was changed by the tenth lineage holder Yong Nian. Now, the lineage holder is alternated between a monk and a layman so both may take the knowledge into the world to help the sick, yet preserve the rituals and knowledge.
His disciple Zhou Qian-Chuan became the first secular lineage holder. He took this knowledge out to heal the masses. Master Zhou Qian-chuan passed the lineage to His Holiness Ju Zan, the Supreme Buddhist Abbot of China. His Holiness Ju Zan then passed the lineage to a secular student, Master Fu Wei Zhong. Master Fu's mission is to take it out into the world to help alleviate the sickness which seems to permeate society.
A posture from The Heaven and Earth Qigong Form demonstrated by Master Fu. Er Mei Qi Gong has branched off to its own science. The threefold methodology consists of motion and movement, quiet and meditation, and a combination of motion and meditation. In this way it can address the health concerns of the practitioners through their personal energy cultivation as well as the health concerns of the masses. Physical, emotional, and spiritual diseases can be treated. We look at the human body holistically instead of dividing it into compartments. We become sick when we have exhausted our energy.
This can be prevented through cultivation of knowledge by allowing our innate congenital Qi potential to re-arise in our beings. We can also generate our health to a state where you are immune to diseases.
This is possible by learning how to cultivate qi in one's own body as well as how to accumulate qi in the dantiens for use either within internal organs or use to externally treat others. This training is combined with the use of sound.
Proper form, proper breathing and proper mental state is essential. These are the basics for good health. The Er Mei school emphasizes the cultivation of energy, the transmission of energy; clinical application of external energy diagnosis and treatment. Acupuncture, moxibustion, opening Heaven's door, opening the meridians, collaterals and spiritual channels, and traditional Chinese medical theory are also employed. This includes tongue diagnosis and pulsology.
Special abilities are yet another level. Some of the special abilities which have been cultivated by Master Fu Wei Zhong are extra sensory perception, clairvoyance, telekinesis, telepathy, divination, energy feng shui, Aura diagnosis, hand sensitivity diagnosis, Third Eye Diagnosis, astronomy, mathematics, divine mapping, iron body and the taming of demons.
There are over 300 techniques of health, healing enlightenment in the first three levels which Master Fu is currently teaching the public.
Master Fu has been teaching publicly for ten years at major universities and hospitals, treating Chinese government officials, clergy and an international clientele from President Deng Xiaoping to the common man. James and Ben Taylor traveled to China to study with him.
Documentation shows that he is a famous life scientist. He has been credited with numerous accolades such as "one of the top external energy therapist" and "The Er Mei Wizard" by the Chinese Society of Qigong as a result of his continued commitment and contributions in establishing the "external energy diagnoses and treatment system." People have come from Russia, Europe, Australia, Asia and the United States to study, to seek blessings and, or treatment from him. The sun truly is shining on him and those his energy has touched.

More than twelve of Master Fu's works are published in Chinese. In 1989 the Beijing College Press published The Finger Pointing Techniques of Er Mei. The Chinese Qi Gong Science & Research Institute in 1989 published Er Mei Lin Ji "Wai Qi" Book I as well as Books II and III. In 1993 The International Er Mei Lin Ji Medical Center published two additional books. The 18 Movement Form & Medicinal Recipes was also published. These have been translated into English and now only await publication.
Master Fu is currently conducting seminars throughout the United States where students can begin to learn the three levels of Er Mei Spiritual Essence and Mind Enlightenment.These seminars are scheduled in a number of states including California, Florida, Georgia, as well as Massachusetts, Texas, and New York.
For information write: Er Mei Sudden Enlightenment, P.O. Box 690121, Flushing, NY 11369 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Reprinted from Qi Journal, Winter 1997