Vol. 1, No. 1: Spring 1991
Spring 1991 (premiere issue), 52 pages: Features: Qigong for Arthritis by Dr. Tzu Kuo Shih; Chinese Medicine in a Western World by Dr. Gary Dolowich, M.D.; Ginseng–The Mysterious Root of Heaven by Dr. John Baker, D.C.; Chinese Divination by Sunny Hsiao & Laura Li; Qigong for Arthritis by Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming; and Qi & Internal Strength by Mike Sigmund. Departments: Taijiquan as Meditation by William C. Phillips; Chinese Calligraphy Origins by Dr. John Raymond Baker, D.C., Qi & Yun..Spirit and Rhythm by I-Hsiung Ju; The Assistant to the Thunder God (short story) by Pu Songling (1640-1715); and Chinese Dietary Therapy by Wilson Pitts. News and Tidbits throughout.