Vol. 10, No. 4: Winter 2000-2001

Vol. 10, No. 4: Winter 2000-2001

SKU: J104

Winter 2000-2001, 64 pages. Features: Falun Gong: A Way of Cultivation Practice by Tracey Zhu, M.D.; Bagua: Another Tool in the Pouch by Reuben I. Olson; Movements 37 through 64: Wild Goose Qigong by Dr. Paul Li. Departments: Feng Shui on the Road by Sally Fretwell; Why is Taijiquan Drop Out So High? by Bill Douglas; Qi for All (a report from the NQA) by Jim MacRitchie; The Power in "Yin"(soft) Taijiquan by Henry Oliveras.